Cookies, Terms, & Privacy Policy

LimboJack Productions is built using open-source software Webador, which occasionally makes use of cookies to keep things running smoothly. Cookies are little bits of information your web browser stores on your device when you visit so it can remember stuff for next time. Since you’re not logging in, however, or filling out any personal information, these cookies won’t contain anything like that. In short, your data is completely safe, and I am not the kind of person who is willing to take advantage of others for the sake of money or fame. 


The website design, functionality, and content are subject to change at any time without prior notice. I may add things, take them away, change them, or create a whole new website if I feel like it and I don’t have to ask anybody’s permission. You accept that from time-to-time things might break, or that the website may cause errors or issues with your browser or device that are unforeseen. If that happens, I cannot be held liable for any damage caused, loss of data, or other breach. I promise that if the site is broken in any way, I will work to fix it as quickly as possible once I am aware of the problem.


As someone who respects creative liberty and intellectual property, and from experience once been a victim of a scam artist, I assure you that I entirely respect your privacy and advocate for a private and transparent Internet. I will only ever collect personal information about you with your consent. For example, if you order a commission or need an artist to design a logo or join your movie-making team, I will collect a minimal amount of anonymous data for analytical purposes, to see how well finances are, whose work is in progress, filing taxes etc. But otherwise, this website doesn’t do anything fancy or secret. I may have been to college, but I'm not that clever. I majored in art.


​Accepted Currency and Method of Payment
I accept Venmo and Stripe (via Ko-Fi)!



Commission Progress

After you submit your commission request/form to me, I will immediately reach back to you through an invoice mail. Once you made your payment, I begin on your piece and as soon as possible you will be presented with a progress sketch.  Usually within about a week's time of receiving payment, give or take a few days. From there, after I happen to receive your approval (or otherwise work to revise sketches to eventually earn it), I will continue to work on it, then have a final product sent to you when it is complete.

If any events came up where it would delay any portion of the commission process further at any point, I am always sure to notify commissioners if/when I am likely to be in a position where I won't be able to work on their commission accordingly for some time. Otherwise, I try to remain as tentative, and laser focused as possible with keeping commissioners informed!



About Edits/Revisions
When I send you progress art, please do let me know if you have any questions, or at least if something needs/would like to be changed. At the sketch phase is where it is MOST convenient and easier for me to try to change something drastic, such as expressions, gestures, poses, color (if asked for), etc.
Up to three times will I allow drastic to make edits were requested at the sketch phase. However, if it goes past that, I will start charging a slight fee for anymore major changes.

Once a finished piece is presented, colors are typically a simple fix, assuming I get a marking wrong or missing. But if something including outline needs to be changed drastically, I can already say for certain it a likely a fee will be charged for edits there as well.



Help Me Help You!


The lettering in this section is uppercased for a reason. PLEASEI cannot ever stress this enough: FULLY fill out my commission forms with ALL of the information I ask of you, as well as EVERYTHING you would want me to know. On a numerous number of occasions now, I have received forms that are either incomplete or intentionally left 'partially filled' with intended commissioners stating they'd like to email me at a later time with remaining information. Please Do Not Do This. It helps me immensely when I have all the information I need, let alone all information I need in one place, to work from.

-If your worry comes from needing to send me images not publicly submitted anywhere, or initially without a link to be able to provide in the forms, an email, Dropbox, Telegram, or Discord link with the file(s) helps a ton. 

-If other reason for this is because you are at work, school, or anywhere else not quite as "convenient" or easy to submit all necessary information for at the time of you trying to submit a form: while I do genuinely understand the sentiment, please do not do this still. There is no need to try to "claim" or "reserve" a spot. My commissions are NOT limited. And depending on when you happen to submit a form according to others, it could take me quite some time to manage to get back to you anyway. I would much rather have everything on one piece as opposed to needing to wait some time for more vital information.

If for whatever forms are still incomplete, I will personally send out an email asking for missing information. However, just note that this could delay an already lengthy wait time by a day or two (depending on your response time).

-While it is appreciated it you can stick with the same idea you happen to submit a form for, should you want to change characters, references, ideas, etc. before that point comes, that would be more than fine! Simply contact me by my email to request such a thing! (Or you can also let me know via whatever chat client you happen to let us know about on the commission forms, and usually through that means, I will contact you in a quick and reasonable response time to let you know that your form has been received.)



Last Notes About My Art/Service/Refunds!
I reserve the right to deny any commission requests I may receive. Be it due to time constraints, personal matters in regard to family (death, injury, illness, catastrophe), inability to portray certain ideas, my general comfort with working on certain subjects, etc.

Please know that when you send in a form to me, you are not obligated to fall through sending payment first to go through with a commission in the end. If at any point, before an invoice/message notifying such has been sent, you'd like to cancel, simply let me know and it will be no problem. I'll simply cancel your sent-out invoice, take your name off my list, and from there bid you a good day!

If you have sent payment and your commission has begun being worked on, but you request cancellation, only a partial refund will be given, depending on how much of the piece has been completed. (Example: if you paid for a single character colored illustration [$70], I have a progress sketch done, then after some time you find want to cancel the commission, I will keep $10 to compensate for the portrait still created but will refund the remaining $60.)

Overall, please do know that I reserve all rights to my artwork. Unless otherwise asked for privacy by appropriate commissioners, my pieces are for my personal use with any self-edits, posts on websites, use for examples with commission advertisements, etc.
(The characters in said pieces, though, are of course property of respective owners.)

Thank you so much for your interest! I look forward to working with you!